Home Page
Mick's Red Dog Page
Home Page

About Page

Photo Page

Argentina Page

The Competitors

The Competitors II

Puppy Page

Puppy Page II

Odds and Ends

Favorite Links


Welcome To Mick's Website!
Inspired by the star of this site-Ironfire's Michaeleen Flynn-we're dedicated to the working Irish Red Setter, be they hunter or field trial competitor and restoring them to their rightful place in the field.
On our pages...
You'll find a little history, a little humor and some pictures of our dogs. We'll be posting pictures sent in by guests to the site, as well as a "photo of the week." Remember this; although we like your dogs just fine, only red dogs will appear on this site.
A Fine Brace of Grouse
"The unbreakable bond between an Irish Setter and his master is based on a common love."

Submitting Photos
Please keep the photos you submit small (under 80 KB) so that we can squeeze more in. Pictures depicting our dogs doing what they do best-hunting and competing-will have the best chance of appearing on the site.

A brief bio should be included to be posted with the photo.
Submit photos, comments and link requests to:

New Additions...

Guest book has been fixed. New photos soon. More of Mick's grandpups

can be seen at;



"Photo of the Week"

Mick pointing another covey